If you’re struggling to get teaching experience but want to be a lecturer, our latest article can help with some key steps to succeed.
Questions to ask when choosing your academic specialism
Do you find it challenging when choosing your academic specialism? Have you got lots of ideas but may be concerned about which one to commit to? Choosing your academic specialism can be a big decision and it is important to get it right. In the following article, I have selected some questions you could ask….>
Pacing Yourself During Your PhD
Pacing yourself during your PhD will help keep you on track with deadlines and goals and help you avoid getting overwhelmed. This article will help you with some top tips on how to keep yourself going at a steady and sensible pace during your studies. Reflect on your motivation Research shows that some individuals are…>
PhD networking
PhD networking is an essential skill. You will gain valuable contact with people in your industry who could help you in your PhD and after. In this article, I have selected some tips on how to network and why these skills could be useful in the future. Attending networking events could help you to expand your academic…>
How recruiters can support neurodiverse candidates | Webinar summary and recording
Webinar Summary – How recruiters can support neurodiverse candidates Inclusion starts during the hiring process. There are a range of adaptations that can be made during advertising, in the application process, and in interviews to accommodate neurodiverse candidates, ensuring you are seeing them at their best and not excluding them from the process. jobs.ac.uk gathered…>
Research Jobs in Zoology
Research jobs in Zoology can lead to a life-changing career in the scientific study of animal physiology, distribution and evolution.
Animal Science Jobs Profile
If you’re interested in sharing and pursuing your knowledge of animal welfare and behaviour, you might be considering an academic career in animal science. Here we show you what it’s like to work as a lecturer in this rewarding discipline and give you tips on how to find jobs and progress your career. What is…>
How to Get a New Job in the New Year
If you’re looking into how to get a new job in the New Year, read our top tips on how to plan your next career move.