Country Fact file
- Location: Northern Europe
- Capital City: Oslo
- Population: 5.5 million as of March 2024
- Government: Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
- Currency: Norwegian Krone (NOK)
- Main Languages: Norwegian, Sami, English
- Main Religions: Christianity (Evangelical Lutheran, Catholicism), Judaism, Islam.
Country Profile
The Kingdom of Norway is Europe’s northernmost country, sharing a long eastern border with Sweden and with Finland and Russia to the north. The capital of Oslo lies close to the border with Sweden and is the most densely populated area with around one million inhabitants. Norway is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, known for its spectacular landscape of soaring mountains and rugged coastline broken by vast fjords, glaciers, and island clusters. It is also the richest nation in the world, thanks partly to oil and gas exports. Although not a member of the European Union, Norway is an EEA partner with close links to the rest of the continent.
Norway has a liberal egalitarian culture, with a commitment to equality and fairness at all levels of society. The Law of Jante (Janteloven), a philosophy posed by the author Aksel Sandemose, which describes how Norwegians should behave (by putting society ahead of individual needs and not boasting or being envious of others), is deeply entrenched in all aspects of Norwegian culture and life. Although outward-looking and progressive in their attitudes, Norwegians are also very patriotic and fiercely proud of their unique cultural heritage and independence. This is evidenced in the many national holidays and ‘flag-flying days’ held throughout the year.
Popular activities
The Norwegian landscape influences every aspect of leisure, with hiking, skiing, canoeing, and fishing among the most popular activities. Football also has a passionate following – the fact that some Norwegian players have been snapped up by the English Premier League is a source of national pride. The majority of Norwegians spend the summer months in cabins and houses near the fjords or overlooking the many white, sandy beaches. Parties, picnics, and barbeques to celebrate the Midnight Sun and enjoy the ethereal Aurora Borealis are also popular summer activities. Such events can be vast (and raucous), with large numbers of even the most distant family members gathering to celebrate through the long sunlit nights. For more on the tourist attractions Norway has to offer, see ‘100 Best Things To Do In Norway’ at Jen Reviews.
Food and drink
Traditional Norwegian cuisine relies on fresh produce from the mountains, lakes, and sea, with fish and game being an integral part of the national diet. Norwegian cuisine is protein-packed and considered to be very healthy. Breakfast is one of the main meals of the day and comprises smoked or pickled fish, cheese, eggs, meat, and traditional rye bread, which is also eaten at lunch as open sandwiches. Dinner is eaten between 4-5 pm and popular dishes include meatballs (kjøttboller), boiled or dried fish, and boiled potatoes with several delicious sauces and pickles.
Coffee is by far the most popular drink and Norwegians are the second highest consumers of coffee in the world, after Finland. Beer and wine are the most popular alcoholic drinks, as well as Akvavit, a strong-flavoured spirit produced across Scandinavia. However, the purchase of alcohol is subject to strict laws in Norway.
Norwegian is the most widely spoken language, followed by Sami, spoken by the approximately 30,000 indigenous Sami people resident in Norway. Norwegian is a Germanic language and has two official written forms – Bokmål and Nyorsk – which can make the language rather complex for new learners. However, nearly 90% of Norwegians speak English fluently, as well as a high level of Swedish, Danish, German, and French.
Accents and dialects
Norway has a rich pattern of dialects that are broadly divided into four groups (eastern, western, central, and northern). Dialects are unique to each region and differ according to grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and accent. Norwegians themselves may not even understand some words from a dialect outside of their region. However, as most Norwegians speak English proficiently, new expats will not be expected to learn dialects, which are mainly spoken at home and in community settings. Standard Norwegian is used in public and professional arenas.
Its northern location, sharing the same latitude as Alaska, Greenland, and Siberia, means that Norway is a cold country. However, thanks to westerly winds, Norway’s climate is much friendlier than people realise. Northern Norway, with its Midnight Sun in the summer months and no sunshine at all during winter, differs significantly from the southern areas, which have a more moderate climate. In winter (December to February) temperatures can drop to between -15°C and -40°C in northern areas. Summer temperatures can climb to around 30°C in the north (due to the midnight sun) and 20°C in the south.
Safety and Security
Crime rates are extremely low in Norway and police do not carry guns. Tourists have reported incidents of pick-pocketing in Oslo and Bergen but Norway is still considered one of the safest places in the world regarding violent crime and robbery. Alcohol-fuelled crime has increased in recent years but figures remain low as the sale of alcohol is strictly regulated. Culturally, Norwegians have a reputation for impeccable honesty, so incidents of being ripped off in shops or restaurants are almost non-existent.
System Structure
Norway has an excellent education system and the level of general education among adults is considered to be one of the highest in the world. Education is compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16 and is divided into primary school and lower secondary school. This ten-year compulsory period is known as ‘grunnskole’. Following grunnskole students can choose to continue their education at upper secondary school, where they will aim to meet the requirements of admission to university or to leave education with a vocational qualification. The different municipalities are responsible for the provision of education and schools in their area. Education is free for all children in Norway, up to and including university.
Academic year
The academic year is divided into two semesters; Autumn (mid-August to December) and Spring (January to June). State school holidays comprise a week in the autumn, a fortnight at Christmas, a week’s winter holiday in February, and around a fortnight at Easter. Schools in Norway also have a compulsory ‘Ski Day,’ when children and teachers take to the hills and forests on cross-country skis. The school day starts at around 8.30am and finishes at 2pm, when pupils are encouraged to play sports and engage in outdoor pursuits and clubs.
Higher education
Norway has a well-regarded higher education system comprising eight universities, nine specialised institutions, 25 university colleges, two national academies of art, and several private higher education institutions. The highest-ranking institutions are the University of Oslo and the University of Bergen.
Overall responsibility for higher education rests with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research which offers a wide range of scholarships and grants to help with the country’s high living costs.
Higher education is fully funded by the state in Norway, which is now one of the few European countries to have retained a system of ‘free education for all.’ Of the Nordic countries, Norway stands alone in offering free higher education to all students, regardless of nationality. Both home and foreign students are also able to apply for help with living costs through the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund.
Norway was one of the first countries in Europe to adhere to the Bologna Process, implementing a two-tier system comprising three-year undergraduate degrees and two-year Master’s degrees. Tuition is in Norwegian although a wide range of courses across all disciplines are now taught entirely in English. A PhD in Norway takes at least three years to complete and is fully funded – the majority of doctoral students receive a monthly salary. To find out more about admission requirements consult the Norway Universities and Colleges Admission Service.
Norway is committed to investment in research to develop its strong knowledge-based economy. The country’s geographical location offers unique opportunities in marine research, environmental sciences, energy, and health and attracts scientists from all over the world. The Norwegian government also invests heavily in medicine, materials science, biotechnology, and communication research programmes. The Research Council of Norway – an agency of the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research – is responsible for awarding funding to universities and individual research programmes, as well as advising on research policy.
Primary and Secondary Education
All children are entitled to 13 years of free education, ten years of which are compulsory between the ages of six and 16 (known as ‘grunnskole’). Schools are divided into:
- Primary School (barneskole): from ages six to 13
- Lower Secondary school (ungdomsskole): from ages 13 to 16.
- Upper Secondary School (videregående skole): from ages 16 to 19. Upper secondary school is optional and is separated into academic study for those who wish to attend university or vocational study/apprenticeships for students who wish to enter the workforce upon completion of their education.
There is no formal kindergarten period in Norway but preschool, nursery, or daycare (barnehage) is offered to children aged 0 to 5. Compulsory education is free in Norway but parents are required to pay a monthly fee for their children to attend preschool, which can be lower in state-run centres. Norwegian preschool places great emphasis on play-led learning and children spend much of their time outdoors, in all weathers.
Working hours
Norwegians typically work Monday to Friday and are supposed to do no more than 38 hours a week. However, many employees work longer hours, with some offices opening at 6am and often not closing for the day until 6pm. Employment laws surrounding parenthood are generous in comparison to some countries, particularly in terms of paternity leave. By law, a new mother must take nine weeks of paid leave after having a baby, while the father must take 14 weeks paid leave before the child’s third birthday. Norway has a family-oriented culture so bosses are usually understanding about the need for parents to take paid leave days.
Depending on the profession, most workers are entitled to at least 25 days paid holiday per year in Norway. By law, employees must receive paid days off for national holidays with those receiving higher pay (usually double time) if they are required to work on the day in question. Norwegian employers are generally sympathetic to providing time off to workers for religious holidays, even if they are not nationally recognised events. The Sami tribe, for example, have their own celebrations which do not fall into the official national holiday calendar. However, it is not uncommon for Norwegian bosses to allow paid time off for any workers who acknowledge such events.
Public holidays
There are ten public holidays in Norway regulated by law as well as several – including Mother’s Day and Father’s Day – which are recognised by some regions. Seven of the national holidays are religious and the date can vary each year depending on the lunar cycle. There are also some ‘Flag Flying Days,’ such as Liberation Day, which is not an official holiday but flags are flown from public buildings and homes.
Public holiday dates
New Year’s Day: 1st January
Mother’s Day: 11th February
Maundy Thursday: 28th April
Good Friday: 29th March
Easter Monday: 1st April
Labour Day: 1st May
Constitution Day: 17th May
Ascension Day: 9th May
Whit Monday: 20th May
Father’s Day: 10th November
Christmas Day: 25th December
St Stephen’s Day: 26th December
Visas and eligibility
From January 1st, 2010, Norway introduced a new Immigration Act which streamlined the process of applying for work and residency permits into one permit. The law also introduced the Early Work Start which means you can now start working in Norway before your application for a residence permit is granted.
As a rule of the new Act, parents must also prove they are able to support their families financially in Norway. Because Norway falls within the European Economic Area (EEA), jobseekers, students, and professionals from other EU/EEA countries can stay in the country without a permit or visa for up to three months. After this time a residence permit is required and expats of any nationality must sign the National Register (Folkeregisteret). For more information, consult the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).
Norway has a reputation for being one of the most taxed countries in the world, with the tax burden being almost four times that of Hong Kong. VAT is also very high, sitting at around 25%. Tax (or Skatt), comprises VAT, income tax, and social security contributions and is collected by the central government. The tax year runs from January 1st to December 31st and is managed by the Tax Administration or Skatteetaten. In general, the combined rate of tax is around 27% on all taxable income while higher salaries can be taxed an additional 12% above certain thresholds. The good news is that there are some tax reliefs on offer for expats, often including a reduction in national insurance contributions. For example, expats staying in Norway for less than two years can receive a 10% deduction on some taxes.
The welfare state is a generous safety net in Norway if certain criteria are met. Sickness pay is especially generous, with employees receiving 100% of their salary for up to a year. Unemployment benefits are available for those who register with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) but the recipient must prove they are actively applying for jobs. Expats can also request that rights in other EU/EEA countries are transferred to Norway. EU/EEA citizens who come to Norway can claim sickness benefits if they are working in the country. For expats who have contributed to the national insurance scheme, family benefits such as child benefit are available.
The pension age in Norway starts at 62, which is lower than most Western countries. However, many Norwegians work in some capacity until they reach 67. To be entitled to a full pension, you must have lived and worked in Norway for 40 years. The amount of pension reduces depending on the number of years not working and living in the country. Due to the high cost of living in Norway, many pensioners choose to retire abroad, where even the Norwegian minimal state pension (Minstepensjon) can stretch further than in their native country. The amount a person receives as a state pension is determined by their earnings in their working lives. To find out how much you are entitled to, check with your local NAV office.
The Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) acts as the voice for people with disabilities. Norway is committed to equality for all workers, regardless of their disabilities. Therefore, workplaces and schools are encouraged to provide wheelchair access and employees are treated with respect and dignity. The influence of the NAD is significant, with the group having over 15,000 members, 250 branches, and a youth organisation. The rights of disabled people are also enshrined in the Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act.
Ayanda Nathi Gladwell Dlamini says
I am interested into relocating and working in Norway please help for assistance in achieving my Goals
Steven says
Its a good country to stay in
OJO Emmanuel says
I love this beautiful country Is my dream live and I will to relocate .
Muhammad Ghulam Fareed says
Plz give me visa norway 🇳🇴 🙏 plz
Muhammad Ghulam Fareed says
Plz give me your visa norway 🇳🇴 plz