60 Day mark – Adding value, increasing visibility and seeking feedback in your new job Seek out a mentor Many companies offer mentorship programs or informal networks, where you can find a mentor. Having someone to guide you through the company’s nuances, team dynamics, or even your role can be a game-changer in your new…>
Good Luck in your New Job – Part 1
Congratulations, you got a new job! It’s a huge accomplishment, but the journey doesn’t stop here. This is just the beginning… How you approach your first 30, 60, and 90 days on the job can shape your success and future growth in the company. This plan, inspired by Michael D. Watkins’ book The First 90…>
How to Ace Your Interview Presentation
Top Tips on How to Ace Your Interview Presentation “It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.” – Mark Twain Mark Twain’s words couldn’t be more fitting when it comes to interview presentations. Even the most natural and effortless presentations often come from meticulous preparation. Many candidates focus heavily…>
What is Further Education (FE)
Overview The UK education system has 4 stages Primary Education Secondary Education Further Education (FE) Higher Education (HE) Further Education refers to post-16 courses and qualifications that are not a degree. In England, it is compulsory to be in education, including apprenticeships, until 18. FE consists of different types of courses to appeal to the…>
What are Professional Services in Higher Education?
Professional Services across Education providers cover a wide range of non-academic positions that support teaching, research and community engagement. These roles are vital to the operation and success, ensuring administrative and operational aspects are expertly managed. Professional services staff play a crucial role in creating an environment to support academic excellence. They enable faculty to…>
What are support roles in Further Education?
Support Roles in Further Education Support roles in Further Education encompass a wide range of non-teaching jobs. They are the roles that support the teaching staff and students in their academic and social endeavours by providing administrative and maintenance services. Support staff are a vital part of Further Education institutions, they provide the support that…>
Finding the right PhD for you
Have you been thinking about completing a PhD? Would you like to learn more about how to choose the course which is best suited for you? In the following article, we shall look at how to find the right PhD and how to apply for it. You may choose to complete a PhD for a…>
Working in Student Services
Have you ever considered working for Student Services? Would you like to support university students however you are not sure what roles may be available? In the article below, I will explain what is involved in student services and the various ways you could provide support. Student Services focuses on helping students throughout their academic…>
A Guide to Community Teaching and Learning
If you are currently training to be a Further Education teacher or already working in the sector, you may think your career will be confined to FE or Sixth Form colleges. However, Further and Adult education is one of the broadest and most versatile sectors for practitioners and learners alike. Here we look at the…>