Karen Frosts role is to promote and market Durham’s wider student experience, everything outside of student’s studies. All the fun stuff…
Joys in academic careers: Noticing, nurturing and spreading joy in academic careers
I’m not saying we can simply wake up and decide today will be joyful, and repeat this every day. I am saying it is useful to think about joy as something we can influence.
Joy in academic careers: What can I expect?
There are many reasons why you might want an academic career. In this post, I reflect on the kinds of joy you might experience over a career as an academic.
Jamie Brown – Head of Communications
Jamie Brown talks to us about his role as Head of Communications in the Division of Communications and Marketing at The University of Manchester.
Anna Reader
Anna Reader talks to us about her current role, which is predominantly to support the development of key aspects of the University’s equality and diversity agenda
Dr Dominik Jackson-Cole
Dr Dominik Jackson-Cole, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Learning Adviser at SOAS University of London talks to us about his career in the HE sector.
Richard Billingham – Executive Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development
I’m Executive Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development here at Aston University. So, what does that mean? I’m responsible for the human resources function, which looks after all aspects of people and people management here in the University.
Managing Your Continuing Professional Development
Many of us may have reflected on how our day-to-day roles have altered since March 2020 but what of our Continuing Professional Development (CPD)? In this article, I’ll explore how professional services staff in the HE sector have adapted their CPD to changing circumstances and the challenges and opportunities that have come with new ways of working.
Career Development Tips From A Career Coach
10 Top Tips For Career Development
Post-PhD and as an ECR, it can feel like you’re on a never-ending cycle of short-term contracts. Based on my own experience and that of my clients, here are my 10 top tips for career development.