The number of women in academic leadership roles is growing slowly. Whilst this is good news, could more be done to encourage women leaders in academia?
Three key tips for successful grant-writing
There’s one tool every academic needs, and that’s research funding. Every academic needs to write grant proposals – and, of course, they ought to be successful ones. Grant writing is a craft, and because it’s a different craft from other kinds of writing, it can seem like a daunting challenge.
Using storytelling in teaching
Our personalities play a significant part in determining how comfortable we are with sharing anecdotes or using storytelling in teaching.
Moving PhD research forward while navigating a new normal
Reflect on the pandemic, give yourself the opportunity to learn from the experience, and move your research forward.
Jackie Thompson – Marketing and Communications Manager
Jackie Thompson is currently a Marketing and Communications Manager for one of our colleges. The University of Edinburgh has three colleges, and I am the manager for the college of arts, humanities and social science.
Karen Frost – Student Experience Marketing
Karen Frosts role is to promote and market Durham’s wider student experience, everything outside of student’s studies. All the fun stuff…
Joys in academic careers: Noticing, nurturing and spreading joy in academic careers
I’m not saying we can simply wake up and decide today will be joyful, and repeat this every day. I am saying it is useful to think about joy as something we can influence.