Dr Louise MacKenzie, Senior Lecturer in Pharmacology (School of Life and Medical Sciences, University of Hertfordshire). From postdoc to Senior Lecturer “Every time I would get to the last few months of my contract I would think ‘Oh no, what am I going to do next?’ “ I had never classified myself strictly as…>
Lecturer Of Law at China University of Political Science and Law
Why did you choose to work in China? My family was originally from Mainland China, and although I was born in Taiwan, educated and lived for many years in Australia, choosing to come back and to the mainland seem to be a natural choice from my family back ground. Then of course, I find…>
Top Tips For Answering Competency Questions
Competency questions are those which focus on particular behaviours or skills you will need to demonstrate in the role. These are usually clearly identified in the person specification and job advert.
Independent Scholar Based in Christchurch New Zealand
Beach on the Coromandel Peninsula Jean Rath is an independent scholar based in Christchurch New Zealand and an honorary research associate of the University of Oxford’s Learning Institute. Her main research interest is academic practice (teaching, research and service) and the experiences of early career academics. A second focus is writing as a method…>
A Typical Day Working In Life Sciences
Life sciences comprise a number of different fields and specialist areas. To help you to understand a typical working day within some of the key roles within life sciences, check out our handy guide…
What Jobs Could I Do In Life Sciences?
Looking to work in life sciences? Here’s a handy summary of the different jobs you will find in the life science sector: Biomedical Scientist Biotechnologist Biochemist Computational Biologist Microbiologist Clinical Research Associate Industrial Pharmacist Research Assistant Bioinformatician Job descriptions Biomedical Scientist Biomedical scientists examine medical samples, for example, of blood and tissue, helping doctors to…>
Visiting Scholar, Fada Institute of Forensic Medicine and Science
Natalia Natalia Pawlowska is currently a researcher at the Fada Institute of Forensic Medicine and Science, which is a part of the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) located in Beijing, China. Prior to coming to China, she attended the University of Toronto and completed her HBSc. in chemistry and forensic science….>
PhD Student, Academic Tutor and Research Assistant at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Why did you choose to work in New Zealand? Laura Southgate at Milford Sound My decision to work in New Zealand was largely based on luck and circumstance. Upon completion of my Masters, I decided that I would like to apply for a PhD. My research focus was on the international relations of Southeast…>
Microbiologist Working in Science Management, Wellington, New Zealand
Fiona Thomson-Carter is a Scottish microbiologist. After post-doctoral research in medical microbiology, she was the clinical scientist at the Scottish Reference Laboratory for Campylobacter and E. coli from 1992-2001. During the 1990s Scotland experienced major outbreaks of E.coli O157 infection, which attracted significant media attention and resulted in legal actions. Following these events, Fiona was…>
Tips For Attending Academic Events And Conferences In China
Academic events and conferences in China are an interesting challenge for both young and experienced scholars and provide an international window on the world.