Have you ever considered applying for an academic advisor position? Would you like to work with university students and support them throughout their course? Working as an academic advisor, you will have lots of opportunities to make a positive difference in the lives of young people. You would primarily work…>
Academic Careers
Staying on track during the semester
You have developed a plan for your semester, see how can you make sure you stay on track as the going gets tough with our top tips!
How to write a professional letter of recommendation
Have you been asked to give a letter of recommendation and you are not sure where to start? Are you an academic who is juggling with lots of responsibilities? In the below article, I have collected some guidance on how to create recommendations effectively. Find out about the requirements Before…>
Strategic Alliance: Australian and UK Universities Unite
The Australia-UK Strategic Alliance on Research and Innovation is a commitment to research collaboration – see how this could impact you.
Inspiring future STEM leaders
On STEM Day, we have an incredible opportunity to inspire and empower the next generation of innovators. It’s a day for children to dive headfirst into the fascinating world of STEM.
Nurturing mental health in academia
As faculty members we need to both promote mental health awareness, as well as protect our mental health and the mental health of our students and researchers.
Teaching effectively and ethically in a ChatGPT world
Will AI tools advance our teaching, or complicate it? Both, most likely. As instructors, how should we use ChatGPT, and can we harness it in service to effective and ethical teaching?
Ten planning tips to start the semester off right
In the first week of every semester, I reserve a day to clear the decks and set myself up for success. In fact, I have developed a checklist for everything that I need to do at the beginning of every semester (and have updated this semester’s start task list over time).
Postdoc positions in academia
A postdoc has already completed their doctorate studies. They work in a university setting on a fixed term basis and they are employed via an externally funded grant.
International Networking
Would you like to start networking again but are not sure where to start? Whether you are a PhD student, an early career researcher, or starting out as an academic, networking could offer you a range of benefits.