Your PhD does not only make you an expert in your field, but also provides you with crucial skills that make you an attractive employee for a wide range of positions
Career Development Resources
How to navigate the barriers and challenges in higher education | Webinar summary and recording
Overcoming gender bias in university careers Did you attend’s and Women-Space’s live webinar on navigating the barriers and challenges in higher education? With guidance from Professor Christina Hughes and an expert panel, our session discussed the underrepresentation of women leaders in higher education and solutions for helping women to…>
Career Development Tips From A Career Coach
10 Top Tips For Career Development
Post-PhD and as an ECR, it can feel like you’re on a never-ending cycle of short-term contracts. Based on my own experience and that of my clients, here are my 10 top tips for career development.
Academics, A Few Tips To Know Before The ‘New Normal’
The disruption caused by Covid-19 has opened our eyes to the new possibilities of working through a hybrid digital-physical regime. And while many academics may have developed mixed feelings about the ‘domestic’ model of work as the pandemic crept along, a strict reversion to ‘on site’ working would also feel unnatural and fraught with its own complications.
The CV of Failures
Use an Alternative CV of Failures to Become More Resilient in Your Job Search, if we are not open about our failures, people assume that everything we do is successful, and that is simply not the case.
Burnout – what can we do about it?
While stress and burnout might go hand-in-hand, a study led by Christina Guthier suggests that stress has less of an impact on burnout, than burnout has on us feeling stressed.
Speak Up! Your Secret Weapon for Career Success
It’s important that you speak up—with peers, with university leaders, and with your students—in ways that show your enthusiasm and engagement.
ECRs: Sharpening your virtual networking strategies
If like most Early Career Researchers (ECRs), you have relied on traditional face-to-face conference schmoozing, and the academic’s own ‘art of the deal’ to grow your network, then 2020 was nothing short of a nightmare.
How To Improve Your Zoom Teaching Game
Zoom teaching is more like being on TV than being in a classroom. Think about the TV hosts that you love to watch. A good TV host has to watch themselves to improve their game – but they watch footage after they have shot it, not while they are talking to the camera.
How to Return to Study
If you are thinking about a return to study, you can literally study from the comfort of your own home. The opportunities are boundless.