In the first week of every semester, I reserve a day to clear the decks and set myself up for success. In fact, I have developed a checklist for everything that I need to do at the beginning of every semester (and have updated this semester’s start task list over time).
Career Development
Postdoc positions in academia
A postdoc has already completed their doctorate studies. They work in a university setting on a fixed term basis and they are employed via an externally funded grant.
International Networking
Would you like to start networking again but are not sure where to start? Whether you are a PhD student, an early career researcher, or starting out as an academic, networking could offer you a range of benefits.
How to balance social media presence and your professional life
Having an active social media presence can be very beneficial for your career. If you work in the Higher Education sector, you will be able to connect with colleagues inside and outside your university and share knowledge with others.
Advance your Career
Are you keen to advance your career? This article can help you take the necessary steps to succeed and attain your dream job.
Using ChatGPT effectively and ethically in academic writing
It’s possible to use ChatGPT as a tool to write more efficiently and effectively, and it’s possible to do so ethically – but doing so takes some careful thought.
Leadership skills for new managers
Are you wondering which leadership skills you need to step into a new management role? In this article, I shall offer you some key guidance, tips, and tools to help you succeed.
Technology can make research more inclusive. Let’s go!
Technology can make research in the natural sciences more accessible and more inclusive, so more scientists than ever before can participate.
Work safely in the lab and field
Working safely in the lab and in the field is important, and if we want to include all scientists, we need to make tools and equipment more customized.
Women engineers who changed the world
Today’s post is in honour of International Women in Engineering Day, June 23rd 2023. With this post, I want to highlight the achievements of women in engineering and provide pathways for universities to recruit more young women to their engineering programs.