Writing a cover letter can be tricky, it is always important to tailor the cover letter to your targeted job and focus on your skillset for that job role. This article covers how to master writing a teacher cover letter and make it count. It’s tempting to think that the…>
Managing your Career in FE
Future Now: Upskilling Today for Tomorrow
In these uncertain times, one thing is certain; the way we work will change. The need for social distancing has already led to remote working wherever possible. However, in education, face-to-face interaction is such a defining characteristic of teaching as we understand it today. This presents the profession with the…>
Lifelong Learning Can Advance Your Career
Do you want to advance your career with Lifelong Learning methods? Change is all around us. Online platforms have radically changed the way we work throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Some jobs are disappearing due to technological advances whilst new jobs emerge rapidly. According to a recent report by the Government…>
Why continuous learning is important
Find out why continuous learning is more important than ever with jobs.ac.uk. The Further Education (FE) sector is undergoing significant changes. A UK Government report published in 2022 highlights some of the challenges of the post-pandemic FE environment: changes in learners’ social skills, students struggling to concentrate and engage, and mental health…>