What is a Professional Development Plan?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the learning and development you undertake in order to carry out a current role or move into a new one. Many organisations have well-established CPD activities, but it’s still good to be proactive in order to: develop your current role, achieve greater satisfaction and effectiveness in your current work or take a new career direction.
If you’re serious about your own development, be prepared to:
- put aside some protected time to reflect and take stock – if you don’t, things may not change and you might miss out on some good opportunities
- be systematic, write a plan and regularly review it
- find at least one person who can act as a ‘critical friend’. Consult them to get feedback on your ideas or ask advice. This could be a colleague, friend, professional coach, or line-manager.
Step 1: Review
Look at any personal or careers development book or website or organisations’ professional development plan and they will cover similar key CPD stages:
- What’s going on at the moment? What are the issues?
- What’s going well; what’s not?
- Think about where you want to be, what you want to develop. What are your goals?
- What are your areas for development?
What next?
- Find 30 minutes in the next week
- Decide how you are going to record your answers to these questions – for many people a really special folder makes a huge difference; really!
- Answer questions 1 to 4 on your own, then discuss your answers with a critical friend
Step 2: Plan
Write your action plan focussing on each area for development in question 4.
There are many ways to set this out, but the following should get you started:
Area for development:___________________
Learning and development needs | What do I need to do? | What resources do I need? | Who can help me? | What is my timescale? |
Step 3: Take Action
Depending on your situation, you may be in a position to take some specific steps now.
Here are some suggestions:
You want to improve your performance and satisfaction in your current role:
- Make performance reviews or appraisals work for you, don’t just react to your line manager’s agenda
- Look at courses you can do within and outside your organisation; if it’ll cost money, take time to make a case referencing your job description, targets, organisational strategy and staff development policy
- Put aside time to follow-up any activity or course
- Use your initiative: get feedback on what you do well from colleagues, clients, customers
You want to progress within your current organisation:
- Check out what other people do: look at every job advertised; talk to colleagues; check organisational charts
- Speak with potential line-managers
- Do all of the above diplomatically!
- If you are at risk of redundancy or redeployment – become an expert on the policies and procedures – there may be more help than you think
I need to know some example which describe the professional development plan….
and some goals which can achieve it
Things to consider when we creating development plan
Usually needed to choose how will accomplish the goals , by setting and create an action plan.
Please provide a sample cpd documentation for reference