About you? What is your background? Former classroom teacher, Masters and PhD at Cambridge, 4 years spent as a contact researcher. What initially attracted you to your job? I have never been attracted to being a contract researcher! I am killing time before a lectureship and it gives me…>
Academic Case Studies
Professor and Head of Marketing
About you? What is your background? BE (Chemical ENGG.) PGDBM (IIM-Bangalore) PhD (Management sciences) What initially attracted you to your job? The challenge of being a fresh mind in this area of knowledge and of stimulating creativity in young minds. I believe these are the pillars of the nation….>
Associate Professor in the Behavioural Science Dept
About you? What is your background? Nursing, Teaching/ Training and Development. I hold an R.N., BA(Hons) Social Science, Teaching Cert. (Further Ed.) and MSc Economics (Social Policy & Planning) and did all my studies in England. What initially attracted you to your job? I was happy at home managing…>
Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice
About you? What is your background? I am a pharmacist. I trained in Industry, worked in the NHS, locum-ed in community pharmacy (I still do this) then did a PhD. What initially attracted you to your job? Being able to direct my own research programme Define your job? Teaching,…>
Teaching Fellow in History
Sasha Handley is a Teaching Fellow in History (12 months) at the University of Manchester. What is your background? I did my postgraduate degrees at the University of Warwick. What initially attracted you to your job? I was looking to gain teaching experience in an academic institution with a…>
Dean and Deputy Chief Executive
Professor Graham Rogers is Dean and Deputy Chief Executive of the Technology Innovation Centre at UCE Birmingham. About You What is your background? Left school at 16 for a career in the Merchant Navy before completing a degree in Mechanical Engineering as a mature student and working as a Design…>
Professor of History/ Director of the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance
Steve Hindle is Professor of History at the University of Warwick and is also the Director of the Centre for the Study of the Renaissance. About You What is your background/experience? A-levels at Secondary school in Warrington, Lancs. (1983); BA History Cambridge (1986), MA History & Political Science Minnesota (1988);…>