Here we look at some of the more senior-level academic jobs available in electrical and electronic engineering, the qualifications and experience you need and opportunities for career progression.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Jobs Profile
Here we look at lecturing jobs in electrical and electronic engineering, typical career paths in the sector and opportunities for progression.
Research Jobs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Here we look at the types of academic research jobs in electrical and electronic engineering, typical career paths in the sector and opportunities for progression.
Presentation Skills for Researchers | Webinar Summary
Presentation Skills for Researchers Did you attend’s and Vitae’s live webinar on Presentation Skills for Researchers? Drawing from 10 years of experience in delivering training courses and lectures, Dr. Mhairi Towler shared her top tips for presenting and building your network in a range of face-to-face and online scenarios….>
Professor Susan Bernal Lopez, School of Civil Engineering
Please can you talk us through your career to date? I have had a very rich career. It started in Colombia, South America studying a BEng and DEng in Materials Science and Engineering, specialising in cement and concrete materials. After finishing my studies, I did postdocs in Denmark, Australia and…>
Medical Robotics jobs profile
Here we look at some of the more senior-level academic jobs available in medical technology (or ‘MedTech’), the qualifications and experience you will need and opportunities for career progression.
Lecturing Jobs in Medical Technology
Here we take a look at lecturing and teaching roles related to medical technology (known as ‘MedTech’), what qualifications and experience you’ll need and opportunities to move up the academic career ladder.
Research Jobs in Nutrition
Here we look at academic research jobs in nutrition, the qualifications and experience you will need and opportunities for career progression. Nutrition and dietetics research encompasses a wide range of projects, from public health nutrition to clinical dietetics and applied nutrition science. Working alongside biomedical scientists and clinicians, academic nutritionists and dieticians contribute to essential research which drives society-wide…>
Senior-Level Academic Jobs in Nutrition
Here we look at senior-level academic jobs in nutrition and dietetics, the qualifications and experience you will need and opportunities for progression. High-level nutrition and dietetics research plays an important role in helping to shape public health policy. Academics at this level will already have a reputation for excellence in…>
Nutrition jobs profile
Jobs in nutrition and dietetics often involve teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students across medical, health and life sciences. Depending on the role, they would also play an active part in academic research projects which directly influence public health policy. A PhD is not always essential for some lecturing roles in…>