Webinar Registration Page | 5th March 11am – 11:45am GMT | MS Teams | Register Now >>
jobs.ac.uk are delighted to unite again with Dr Suzanne Ross to bring you a webinar on ‘Women at Work: Building Your Career’.
In the current challenging environment, as we begin to see evidence of a rolling back of hard-won gains for women in the workplace, it’s more important than ever for women to take ownership of their careers. This year’s International Women’s Day theme of ‘Accelerate Action’ is a call to do that.
Alongside a challenging environment, a lack of confidence in capability, hesitating to put yourself forward and feeling like you don’t ‘have what it takes’ can prevent you from maximising opportunities. In this session we’ll reflect on the changing environment and the potential impact of that for women as they build their careers, the barriers, habits and career traps that can get in the way and how we can navigate these to achieve our full potential.
Being authentic, surrounding yourself with the right people and building confidence in your career decision making will help you to accelerate your career, whilst still be true to yourself.
In this session we will:
- Reflect on the broader landscape and what this might mean for women developing their careers
- Identify different routes to career progression
- Explore some of the habits and beliefs that can hold women back and learn strategies to overcome these
- Recognise and navigate the ‘double bind’ women can face as they become more senior in their role
- Reflect on specific challenges for women developing their career in HE
- Learn how to build your own personal Boardroom so that you can surround yourself with people who can help you achieve your goals
In a turbulent environment, retaining ownership of your career and development whilst surrounding yourself with a powerful support network, empowers action.
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Meet the Host
Dr Suzanne Ross MSc, BSc, FHEA
Suzanne has over 20 years global experience in talent and leadership development. In 2010, Suzanne founded 2thrive Consultancy, helping individuals, teams and organisations develop leadership capability. In 2019 Suzanne launched Women Trailblazers supporting talented female leaders and emerging leaders.
With a PhD in leadership talent, success and derailment, Suzanne is a part-time Senior Lecturer in Executive Education at Nottingham Business School (NBS). As Course Leader, she has been involved in the design, development and delivery of NBS funded and commercial programmes to support women in management and leadership roles to develop their careers including the Women in Leadership, Women in STEM Leadership and Women as Transformational Leaders short courses. She is the subject matter expert for the NBS Microcredential Inspiring Women Leaders: Purpose-driven leadership in business and society. She is Module Leader for the Leading People and Organisations module on the Executive MBA and the Professional Development module on the PG Certificate in HE Management and Leadership.
Suzanne is a qualified and experienced Executive Coach working with leaders up to and including CEO/Board level. A past delegate of the UN Women UK delegation on the 68th Commission for the Status of Women (CSW68) Suzanne is also a volunteer as this year’s UN Women UK delegation CSW69 and is passionate about education, leadership and entrepreneurship as pathways to empowering women globally.
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