Phrases to avoid on your CV can be tackled very simply by omitting clichéd and generic wording and phrasing at ALL costs. You will run the risk of coming across as boring, unimaginative and fall into the “meaningless waffle” category. What we know is you only have a finite amount…>
Studentship Advice
How To Write A Personal Statement
A personal statement is usually situated at the top of a cv under your personal information and is one of the first sections of a cv that the reader will come across. You have a limited amount of time to make an impact on the reader (no more than 30…>
Skills CV Example
Either of the Classic CV or Skills CV formats can be used for any application for many jobs including managerial, professional, administration and any other non-academic job. Please see our Classic CV guidelines for more information, and download the Classic CV template here. PETER SMITH 10 Royal Street, Benkton, Yorkshire…>
Refresh Your CV
How often do you refresh your CV? Do you only make small adjustments to your CV once a job deadline is quickly approaching.? In a rush to post the CV, it’s tempting to force in your last job at the top and hope for the best. Forgetting to refresh your…>
PhD to a Career in Finance
This article highlights reasons why PhD graduates are in demand by recruiters in the financial sector, including insights from the Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The tips and insights will help PhD researchers to think about steps they can take during their PhD to effectively prepare for a career change…>
Senior Research Project Manager CV Template
This is a CV template for research project manager posts, either in an academic, public sector or commercial environment. It is designed as a model and a basis for your own CV. Start with a summary of your research experience/aims. This is the equivalent of a personal statement but is…>
5 Tips for Selling Yourself When Applying for Jobs
‘Unique Selling Point’ (or USP) is a marketing idea developed to help people in business improve their sales. As a job seeker, you also have something to sell: YOURSELF! By developing your USPs learn how to sell yourself when applying for a job and stand out from the crowd. These…>
What is the real cost of a PhD?
The answer to this depends on your situation and many factors should be taken into account. Studentship course fees If you are self-funding, you’ll need to pay the course fees, and the amount you pay will depend on where you live, the subject you are studying and whether you’re studying…>
How to do a Distance Learning PhD at a UK university
Why do a distance learning PhD? There are a number of reasons why a student might decide to study for a PhD or MPhil via distance learning. Some people, for family, career or other commitment reasons, may be unable to move near their choice of university to undertake their study….>
Understanding a Job Advert: What is an Informal Contact?
Many job adverts, although not all, list the name of an informal contact. This is the name and email address or phone number of a member of the academic staff who can be very useful to you as a jobseeker and can help you put together a winning application. But…>