Description: Course Administrators are directly involved with course maintenance and operation. The administrator facilitates the delivery of the course by, among other things, ensuring that timetabling is organised, finances and grants are correctly handled and external projects, placements and assignments are properly administered. Administrators for MSc courses have some specific tasks such as the submission…>
Job Description The role of Dean is an administrative and managerial one. No teaching is involved. Deans are responsible for overseeing the running of a number of departments within their faculty. They will manage recruitment and also implement policies that ensure parity across the faculty. They will also be concerned with furthering the university’s…>
University Departmental Administrator
Administrators in UK universities play a vital role in the institution. The role of administrator is both a challenging and varied field of work. There are two types of university administrator: those who work in central admin, and those who work in specific university faculties or departments. This job profile focuses on departmental administrators and…>
Head of Department
Job Description Heads of Department (hereafter referred to as ‘HoD’) run academic departments at higher education institutions. They are equal in academic stature to the role of professor. HoDs manage the day to day running of the teaching and research aspects of the department and are responsible for hiring new staff members and liaising…>
International Office Staff
The International Office is the starting point for all non-domestic university students. It offers support to all new and continuing overseas students. The International Office also promotes the university’s interests abroad, often in collaboration with foreign universities and businesses. Exchange and Erasmus students are also looked after by the IO (International Office), as well as…>
Improve Your Employability With A Professional Qualification
Professional qualifications are offered by professional associations or bodies; organisations that support their members by providing training, qualifications and career development appropriate to a specific career sector.
Lecturer in French and Comparative Studies at the University of London in Paris
University of London in Paris Dr Louise Lyle has been working in Paris for the last three years, in a small higher education institution that is part of the University of London. She is Lecturer in French and Comparative Studies and Associate Programme Director for the MA in Paris Studies at the University of…>
Professor and Associate Dean (Administration) Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Professor Adele Ladkin, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Professor Adele Ladkin, Professor and Associate Dean (Administration), Hong Kong Polytechnic University Professor Adele Ladkin has just returned from two years in Hong Kong, where she worked as Professor and Associate Dean (Administration) in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic…>
Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Milan, Italy
David Moss David Moss was Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Milan for eight years until 2010. The University of Milan has 65,000 students and is very highly rated for research both within Italy and Europe. Before moving to Italy David worked at Griffith University, Brisbane Australia, as Professor of Italian and…>
Teaching skills: Delivering an Effective Lecture
Even with the widespread use of e-learning and the creative use of new types of learning spaces, lecturing is still used to convey new knowledge or skills to a large number of students in a relatively short time. Often they are used to introduce key concepts which are then developed through self-directed learning, seminars and…>