There are many reasons why you might want an academic career. In this post, I reflect on the kinds of joy you might experience over a career as an academic.
Academic Careers
Can peer-reviewing papers strengthen my CV?
While for many academics reviewing is part of the service component of a job, for others (like most graduate students and postdocs) it’s a volunteer activity. So why do it?
Career Planning for PhDs
There is no doubt that studying for a PhD develops a range and depth of skills with the potential to make you a highly marketable employee. This post highlights a range of resources and support for career planning that will enable you to make the most of your skills and experiences when applying for job roles.
Changes to Academic Research
The following insights relate specifically to challenges facing academic researchers due to changes in the sector and highlight areas of disruption or change to the UK research landscape.
Research in Academic Careers
It is easy to get disheartened when thinking about research in academic careers. The endless quest for funding, the sense of wasted effort and feeling wounded when we are rejected. In this post I offer an alternative, positive way of thinking about research in academic careers. This is based on two principles:
Women Leaders in the Academy
Women leaders are literally changing the HE game from inside out. But what heralded this ‘irresistible rise of women’ into higher education?
Burnout – what can we do about it?
While stress and burnout might go hand-in-hand, a study led by Christina Guthier suggests that stress has less of an impact on burnout, than burnout has on us feeling stressed.
Speak Up! Your Secret Weapon for Career Success
It’s important that you speak up—with peers, with university leaders, and with your students—in ways that show your enthusiasm and engagement.
Balancing Academic Research and Teaching
Many Early Career Researchers (ECRs) working in higher education institutions (HEIs) might tell you that simply running the gauntlet between research and teaching did not adequately prepare them for a career in academia.
Being a Professor – A Personal Journey to Professorship
Whatever your back story that brought you to academia, being a professor is not a random career. It takes tenacity, strategic focus, publications and lots of late nights and tears. To make it there are 3 vital things you need to know.