First impressions count and a well-planned and well-delivered introduction to your teaching and learning session will set the tone for the rest of the session.
Career Development
A Cover Letter For Industry
A cover letter for industry often has four sections – an introduction, the ‘sell’, motivations, and the close. It is important to tailor your document to the employer and you can do this through your research into the role and the organisation as well as the competencies you have to evidence. T
An Ethical Career – How You Can Make a Positive Impact
You might immediately think of working in the environmental sector, but an ethical career can have a much wider scope. In the broadest sense, it means working for a company or organisation that has a positive impact on the world. This can be through employment, social enterprise or by setting up your own company.
Pros and Cons of Working as an Associate Lecturer
Associate lecturers provide teaching at universities without being on a permanent contract. As an associate, you would typically deliver a few hours of work weekly such as marking, delivering seminars or lecturing to larger classes. It comes with some unparalleled opportunities and complex challenges.
Writing Successful Grant Proposals
An essential skill for any successful academic career is writing grant proposals to secure funding for your research. Securing grants is a competitive process so you need your proposals to be able to stand out from other aspiring and successful academic researchers.
Encouraging Participation in Work Experience
Students should be encouraged to participate in work experience throughout their university life. Not all students can manage an internship in the summer months. A range of opportunities is essential…
Your PhD Journey – Top Tips
When I embarked on my PhD journey I was certainly unaware of what was ahead: the precision of academic writing; the solitary process; the importance of the supervision team…
Positive Mental Health in Higher Education
Our modern world can be a tough place to navigate. Higher Education students face a real mix of challenges. At an often tender age, transitioning into HE and leaving familiar things behind, they have to face the extra pressure of higher fees, a challenging job market and an uncertain economy….>
Thinking of Working Abroad? Consider a Job Swap
Working abroad for a short period, perhaps a semester, or a full academic year, can often bring significant benefits – both in terms of your career and your personal development. There are other articles on exploring the many advantages of working abroad but, in this article, we will discuss…>
Inclusive Learning – Study Skills to Academic Literacy
Inclusion and inclusive learning are among the most important issues in higher education. In the past, universities were accustomed to recruiting ‘traditional’ students who were ‘trained’ and prepared for university and, most likely, had parents and siblings who were graduates. The expansion of higher education has brought more ‘non-traditional’ students…>