It is easy to get disheartened when thinking about research in academic careers. The endless quest for funding, the sense of wasted effort and feeling wounded when we are rejected. In this post I offer an alternative, positive way of thinking about research in academic careers. This is based on two principles:
Research Careers
Women Leaders in the Academy
Women leaders are literally changing the HE game from inside out. But what heralded this ‘irresistible rise of women’ into higher education?
Burnout – what can we do about it?
While stress and burnout might go hand-in-hand, a study led by Christina Guthier suggests that stress has less of an impact on burnout, than burnout has on us feeling stressed.
Speak Up! Your Secret Weapon for Career Success
It’s important that you speak up—with peers, with university leaders, and with your students—in ways that show your enthusiasm and engagement.
Balancing Academic Research and Teaching
Many Early Career Researchers (ECRs) working in higher education institutions (HEIs) might tell you that simply running the gauntlet between research and teaching did not adequately prepare them for a career in academia.
ECRs: Sharpening your virtual networking strategies
If like most Early Career Researchers (ECRs), you have relied on traditional face-to-face conference schmoozing, and the academic’s own ‘art of the deal’ to grow your network, then 2020 was nothing short of a nightmare.
Getting your post-PhD job during COVID-19
Which jobs can you apply for post-PhD? We learn how COVID-19 changed the mechanics and tools in this process, but not your employability and impact.
Writing Scientific Papers
Writing scientific papers for publication in academic journals is something you’re going to have to do during an academic career. Being faced with a lab book full of results and a blank screen is challenging and for many researchers, this can be compounded by English not being their first language….>
How to Change Your Career Direction
Research conducted by the London School of Business and Finance suggests that 47% of UK employees would like a change in their career direction. Surprisingly, close to a third of the workers are not sure when they will make a change. Changing career directions can be an exciting as well…>
How to Return to Study
If you are thinking about a return to study, you can literally study from the comfort of your own home. The opportunities are boundless.