Deciding on job interview questions to ask the interviewer can be one of the most stressful parts of the interview process. Often candidates hurry through this part, relieved to have the job interview over as quickly as possible. Others ‘go through the motions’ by asking unoriginal questions to fill the time.
Results for: 'interview'
Interview questions tool
If you are invited for an interview, try using our handy questions toolkit to practise a wide range of common interview questions and suggested responses. This will help you prepare in advance and be equipped to answer a wide range of competency, motivation and biographical questions, whether the interview is for an academic or professional…>
Top 5 Academic Interview Answers
This article will list the most common academic interview questions for lecturer positions and suggest a possible answer to them. The examples of good answers are not the only options. There are, of course, many other ways of successfully answering these questions. These are suggestions to get you to think constructively about what you could…>
Top Ten PhD Interview Questions and Answers
Your PhD interview date is fast approaching. This article provides carefully chosen tips to help you prepare, and ten PhD interview questions you should be ready to answer. What to do before the interview. It is important to treat the PhD interview like a job interview. Dress smartly and bring two printed copies of your…>
Sending a Thank You Note after an Academic Interview
Have you considered sending a thank you note after an academic interview? If you sent one, did you feel awkward, hopeful or optimistic once you have written it? The idea of sending a thank you note after an interview is nothing new. Many of us, however, consider it solely a gesture to win the interviewer’s…>
Interview question: What’s your biggest weakness?
It’s an old classic and a question that seems to have had plenty of interviewees struggling, but should the question ‘What’s your biggest weakness?’ cause so much worry? Well, today we’re going to have a look at the different types of answers and offer some useful tips to help you with this tricky interview question!…>
Post Academic Interview: 3 Things To Avoid
There is a period of limbo between having an academic interview and being told whether you have been successful and thereby offered the position, or not. This can be a nerve-wracking, uncertain time, not least because there is no defined period in which this could go on; it could be anything from a few days to a couple of months. How, then, do you act during this nebulous interval?
Presentation at an Interview
Have you had any experience of delivering a presentation at an interview? How do you prepare? How do you engage your audience? Presentations are a common part of the recruitment process for graduate, research, teaching, consulting and other professional roles across a range of sectors. Whether you have had a lot or limited experience in…>
Preparing for Telephone Interviews
Telephone interviews are often an early part of the recruitment process to screen candidates. They usually last 15 – 30 minutes and are conducted by a recruiter or an employer. The way you prepare for telephone interviews should be taken just as seriously as if you were preparing for a face-to-face interview. The focus will…>
How to Make a Good Impression in an Interview
Making a good impression during an interview can lead to the next step in your career. But how can you do this? Preparation before interview is essential. The practical steps below are aimed at those of you who have little or no interview experience to individuals who regularly market themselves through recruitment processes. Review your…>