This academic case study focuses on the career of Professor Herman Grobler, who is currently a professor in the Psychology Department at KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In this case study, he shares his academic journey, research interests, and key insights from his work. Originally from South Africa, Professor Grobler…>
Academic Case Studies
Professor Susan Bernal Lopez, School of Civil Engineering
Please can you talk us through your career to date? I have had a very rich career. It started in Colombia, South America studying a BEng and DEng in Materials Science and Engineering, specialising in cement and concrete materials. After finishing my studies, I did postdocs in Denmark, Australia and…>
Women Leaders in Higher Education – Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell
Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President & Vice-Chancellor, The University of Manchester, kindly agreed to answer questions about her career. Please can you talk us through your career to date? I initially wanted to study art (I did A level art at art college in the evenings) but I realised how…>
Women Leaders in Higher Education – Professor Christina Hughes
I had the pleasure of chatting with Professor Christina Hughes to discuss how she overcame barriers to be appointed in several senior leadership roles across universities, including head of department, chair of faculty, pro-vice-chancellor, Provost and Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor. She is also the CEO and founder of Women-Space, which provides…>
Professor in Criminology and Public Policy
Professor Peter Squires works in the Faculty of Health and Social Science at the University of Brighton where he heads a team undertaking influential research into various aspects of criminology, including gun crime.