There are probably more funding opportunities for your PhD than you think. It is worth making sure you have investigated them all. Funding bodies support PhD students in different ways. Some pay course fees only, some include a stipend (maintenance costs) or travel expenses, and others offer a one-off award to ease the financial burden…>
Results for: 'funding'
Liminal Spaces: Finding research funding when working overseas
Let’s say you want to publish a monograph, attend a conference, and fund a research project and other activities to build an international academic profile as a scholar working overseas. These are all astute and indeed necessary endeavours if trying to advance in the academic ranks; nonetheless, they require a pretty penny. This article will…>
PhD Opportunities And Funding In Sweden
If watching Wallander and The Bridge has opened your eyes to both the beauty of this Northern European nation and its socio-political system, if you study a subject with a strong Swedish angle, or if you are simply branching out in your search for a fully-funded PhD Opportunities, Sweden is worth a second look.
Working in China – Education Sector and Research Funding
China boasts the biggest education scene in the world. Yet it’s education system has set modernization and international understanding as the targets for its reform strategy. The goal is to continually increase the number of students and improve standards of education. The government is running various projects in order to strengthen their universities and colleges,…>
Tips for academic networking
Do you find academic networking challenging at times? In the following article, I will share some tips and effective networking strategies to help you build meaningful connections and enhance your career. I will explore how you can leverage conferences, academic societies, social media and other networks (online or in-person) to build meaningful professional relationships and…>
What is Further Education (FE)
Overview The UK education system has 4 stages Primary Education Secondary Education Further Education (FE) Higher Education (HE) Further Education refers to post-16 courses and qualifications that are not a degree. In England, it is compulsory to be in education, including apprenticeships, until 18. FE consists of different types of courses to appeal to the…>
What are Professional Services in Higher Education?
Professional Services across Education providers cover a wide range of non-academic positions that support teaching, research and community engagement. These roles are vital to the operation and success, ensuring administrative and operational aspects are expertly managed. Professional services staff play a crucial role in creating an environment to support academic excellence. They enable faculty to…>
Finding the right PhD for you
Have you been thinking about completing a PhD? Would you like to learn more about how to choose the course which is best suited for you? In the following article, we shall look at how to find the right PhD and how to apply for it. You may choose to complete a PhD for a…>
Preparing for a Postdoc role
Are you considering applying for a postdoc role after your PhD? Do you wonder if a postdoc role could be the right option for you and how you should apply? This article explores some key questions to ask yourself and helps you decide if this may be the right career option for you. What is…>
Improving student outcomes
How academic and non-academic support can contribute to improving student outcomes. Universities across the UK aim to provide a transformational experience to students. They focus on providing an academically and personally rich experience, giving young people the necessary skills to succeed throughout their learning journey and beyond. The Office for Students (OfS) highlights the below…>