Senior academics in metallurgy and minerals technology lead the way in research focusing on the production and engineering of metals and other materials.
Results for: 'funding'
Research Jobs in Metallurgy and Minerals Technology
Are you a metallurgy and minerals technology researcher looking for your next project? Perhaps you’ve just completed a PhD in a related field and want to pursue your interests as a postdoctoral researcher or lecturer. In this section of our Engineering and Technology series, we look at entry routes into this highly-specialised area and the…>
Maritime Research Jobs Profile
Whether you’re an early career researcher or a more experienced academic, here you’ll find out all you need to know about what it’s like to work in the exciting field of maritime technology.
Senior-Level Academic Jobs in Maritime Technology
Senior academics in maritime technology lead the way in identifying and developing ground-breaking technology integral to changing how we utilise the marine environment.
Maritime Technology Jobs Profile
Looking for lecturing jobs in maritime technology? If you’ve just completed a PhD or a postdoc project in a related area, you may be interested in using your specialist knowledge to inspire the next generation of maritime engineers and technicians. Maritime technology lecturers teach undergraduate and postgraduate students across multiple engineering disciplines, while also carrying…>
Lecturing Jobs in Production Engineering and Manufacturing
Lecturing jobs in Production Engineering and Manufacturing is one of the top engineering categories for academic jobs at
Senior-Level Academic Jobs in Production Engineering and Manufacturing
In this post, we look at some of the senior-level academic jobs available in production engineering and manufacturing, the experience and qualifications you’ll need and where to find jobs.
Research Jobs in Production Engineering and Manufacturing
Here we take a look at routes into an academic research career in production engineering and manufacturing, the qualifications and skills you’ll need and how to find your first (or next) research position.
How to attract the right PhD candidate
Finding the right PhD candidate to work with you can be a challenge. In this post, we look at which steps you can take to attract the right PhD candidate.
Senior-Level Academic Jobs in Chemical Engineering
If you’re an experienced chemical engineering lecturer or researcher, you might be considering Senior-Level academic jobs in Chemical Engineering.