13:00 GMT | Thursday, 16 June 2022 | Webinar recording is available now >> This webinar is now closed. Our full webinar recording is available to watch now or read our short summary of the main points made by our HE leaders.
Results for: 'funding'
Lecturing Jobs in Medicine and Dentistry
Lecturing and teaching jobs in medicine and dentistry encompasses a vast range of academic specialisms, from sports medicine jobs to lecturing in prosthodontics.
Research jobs in Medicine and Dentistry
Universities are in fierce competition to attract visionary researchers to their research jobs and contribute to the latest breakthroughs…
Senior Level Academic Jobs in Medicine and Dentistry
Senior-level academic jobs in medicine and dentistry allow highly-skilled clinicians, researchers and scientists to contribute to the research and teaching strategy of a university.
Transferable skills from your PhD
Your PhD does not only make you an expert in your field, but also provides you with crucial skills that make you an attractive employee for a wide range of positions
Top tips for academic mentoring
The gift of mentoring is hard-wired into the fabric of academia. Progression through university and into a job in academia is steeped in the ancient art of apprenticeship. Nowadays there is the more reciprocal and inclusive ‘learning by doing’ as developed by African American women to mentor the next generation of civil rights activists.
Three key tips for successful grant-writing
There’s one tool every academic needs, and that’s research funding. Every academic needs to write grant proposals – and, of course, they ought to be successful ones. Grant writing is a craft, and because it’s a different craft from other kinds of writing, it can seem like a daunting challenge.
Moving PhD research forward while navigating a new normal
Reflect on the pandemic, give yourself the opportunity to learn from the experience, and move your research forward.
Joy in academic careers: What can I expect?
There are many reasons why you might want an academic career. In this post, I reflect on the kinds of joy you might experience over a career as an academic.
Changes to Academic Research
The following insights relate specifically to challenges facing academic researchers due to changes in the sector and highlight areas of disruption or change to the UK research landscape.