An example of a completed Academic CV for a Senior post. Please see our Academic CV guidelines for more information, and download the Academic CV template here. JANE DURDEN 14 Kitts Way, Little Heath, Birmingham B55 7QZ Tel: 01217 430987 Email: Objective: Senior Lecturer in Victorian History, School of Humanities, Blackwell University PERSONAL PROFILE…>
Results for: 'funding'
PhD Application Tips
You may think from the title of this article that it will concentrate on how to prepare PhD application documents, but if that were the case then you would miss out on some vital stages of the process of applying for a PhD. If you do move very quickly from “I want to do a PhD” to submitting a PhD application then this could affect the standard of your application and could also have effects on your subsequent PhD experience.
The Realistic Academic Job Hunter
Today’s extremely competitive academic job environment can cause a great deal of heartache for the would-be academic. Here I want to add a few words of advice about how to maintain a methodical and pragmatic approach to looking for a job, particularly when the field is so challenging and the pressure so great. Understand employment…>
Teaching Qualifications For HE: What Are Your Options?
There are at least three options for gaining professional teaching qualifications for staff who are already working in UK higher education. These include formal postgraduate courses, third-party Lifelong Learning Sector certification, and Fellowship of the HEA. What is the difference between them, and which is right for you? Postgraduate certificate: the traditional route. When universities…>
Returning to Education
There are many factors that may affect the decision to return to education after a long period away from study and there are some challenges in particular faced by those who do not choose the traditional role of going straight to university after school. This article will offer some solutions to these challenges whether you…>
A Snap Shot of the Benefits of Working at a University
If you’re new to the Higher Education sector, you might be wondering what the benefits of working at a university are. There are numerous benefits to working at a university, including opportunities for personal development, generous annual leave, and the satisfaction of being involved in a progressive and diverse institute University employment is not just…>
Top 5 Academic Interview Answers
This article will list the most common academic interview questions for lecturer positions and suggest a possible answer to them. The examples of good answers are not the only options. There are, of course, many other ways of successfully answering these questions. These are suggestions to get you to think constructively about what you could…>
Top Ten PhD Interview Questions and Answers
Your PhD interview date is fast approaching. This article provides carefully chosen tips to help you prepare, and ten PhD interview questions you should be ready to answer. What to do before the interview. It is important to treat the PhD interview like a job interview. Dress smartly and bring two printed copies of your…>
Academic CV Template
An academic CV is based on the Chronological CV format. However, the two-page limit need not apply to academic applications due to the addition of supporting information relating to details of your PhD and other related research. An academic CV can, therefore, be many pages in length, depending on your experience in the workplace –…>