At just under 10 million square kilometres, China is the second-biggest country in the world by land area. In the times of the ancient dynasties, China was a leader in culture and science…
Results for: 'funding'
Report-Writing: Some Questions And Answers
Is the report really necessary? Not always. Could the report be replaced by a long-ish but informal email, by a phone conversation followed by a summary email, or by a short oral presentation at a departmental meeting, recorded by ‘bullet points’ in the meeting minutes? You may not have the luxury of choice, especially if…>
Finding A PhD Place In Europe
If you’re thinking of trying for a PhD in Europe, there are both European-wide and national issues to take into account. Since 1999, the “Bologna process”—an EU-wide attempt to make the widely divergent higher education systems in Europe work together—has been moving forward, leading to more mobility for students, researchers and academics. However, each nation…>
Managing The Chinese Education System
In any education system, academics are answerable to the government. Audits, form-filling and declaring their research agendas form a routine part in the life of an academic who is required to complete these administrative tasks. It is true that China is no exception. Administrative tasks form a significant part of the work schedule. The complicating…>
Planning To Do A PhD In Europe?
There may have never been a better time to study for a PhD in Europe. Many European universities are expanding and opening up to a world beyond national borders. There can be significant cost savings as well. If you are a world-class student, there is likely to be a world-class opportunity for you.
China Provides The Career Gateway To The World’s Academia
When I arrived in China to begin my academic career in 2010, I really didn’t know what to expect. As a historian I was aware that the nation had…
3 Questions Your Academic CV Should Answer
When you are applying for academic jobs, it is important that your CV is customised to the role requirements and presented in an academic style. Academic CVs differ in some ways in comparison to standard non-academic ones, so you need to ensure yours is set up to impress recruiters in the higher education sector. Here…>
International publication standards
Publication standards differ for international academics from country to country. This article will explore some of the trends to observe and the differences to be aware of.
4 Tips for a Winning Academic Cover Letter
Too many people spend days crafting the perfect academic CV, only to spend minimal effort on their academic cover letter. But, the truth is, that even the most perfectly crafted CV is nothing without an impactful cover letter. A strategically targeted cover letter which demonstrates your abilities, enthusiasm and suitability for the role paired with…>
Work in Egypt – Country Profile
The unique and captivating country of Egypt links the north eastern tip of Africa with the Middle East. Bordered by Israel to the northeast, Libya to the west and Sudan to the south, Egypt lies between the Mediterranean and the Red Seas.