Dr Britta Urban, Reader in Biomedical Science, Faculty of Biological Sciences at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) “Alongside my research, my other passion is being able to support and mentor colleagues.” I have always been drawn to the idea of carrying out research. I knew I would end up doing something relating to…>
Results for: 'funding'
PhD & Research Opportunities in Denmark – Google+ Hangout on Air Summary
We hosted a live Google+ Hangout on Air with six inspirational panellists with one simple objective: to help you consider opportunities open to you and specifically options for pursuing PhD & Research Opportunities in Denmark.
So, Why Do You Want This Job? Answering Killer Questions
Everyone knows that there are a number of interview killer questions that can stop an interviewee dead in their tracks. These can be both general, and ones that relate specifically to the academic environment. Here are a few pointers to get you started.
Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Primary and Community Care (CRIPACC);
School of Health and Social Work. Dr Faith Ikioda “You Have to be determined if you are to make something happen. You need to take responsibility and learn. Knowledge is power.” I was good at Science at school and ended up completing a BSc in Geography in Nigeria. However, I graduated feeling very disillusioned. It…>
Independent Scholar Based in Christchurch New Zealand
Beach on the Coromandel Peninsula Jean Rath is an independent scholar based in Christchurch New Zealand and an honorary research associate of the University of Oxford’s Learning Institute. Her main research interest is academic practice (teaching, research and service) and the experiences of early career academics. A second focus is writing as a method…>
PhD Student, Academic Tutor and Research Assistant at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
Why did you choose to work in New Zealand? Laura Southgate at Milford Sound My decision to work in New Zealand was largely based on luck and circumstance. Upon completion of my Masters, I decided that I would like to apply for a PhD. My research focus was on the international relations of Southeast…>
Microbiologist Working in Science Management, Wellington, New Zealand
Fiona Thomson-Carter is a Scottish microbiologist. After post-doctoral research in medical microbiology, she was the clinical scientist at the Scottish Reference Laboratory for Campylobacter and E. coli from 1992-2001. During the 1990s Scotland experienced major outbreaks of E.coli O157 infection, which attracted significant media attention and resulted in legal actions. Following these events, Fiona was…>
Chinese Universities – Positions, Salary And Benefits
In recent years Chinese people have attached greater importance to the term“laoshi”(teacher), and expanded it far beyond its traditional meaning. It is even now used to respectfully address people possessing strong knowledge or competence in a specific field. In spite of this socio-linguistic consideration, the traditional role of educators has not lost its appeal in…>