These ‘Top ten Tips’ were written by Claire Barrie, an HR Professional working for a Local Council. Helping to explain how to apply, interview and hopefully get the job, plus the differences to other sectors. 1. Read the particulars carefully Read the particulars carefully, it explains how to complete the…>
Jobseeking and Interview Tips
Post Academic Interview: 3 Things To Avoid
There is a period of limbo between having an academic interview and being told whether you have been successful and thereby offered the position, or not. This can be a nerve-wracking, uncertain time, not least because there is no defined period in which this could go on; it could be anything from a few days to a couple of months. How, then, do you act during this nebulous interval?
Presentation at an Interview
Have you had any experience of delivering a presentation at an interview? How do you prepare? How do you engage your audience? Presentations are a common part of the recruitment process for graduate, research, teaching, consulting and other professional roles across a range of sectors. Whether you have had a…>
What To Do When You Have Multiple Opportunities
When applying for jobs, you might find yourself in a situation where you have multiple opportunities offered to you at the same time. This might be viewed as a ‘good’ problem to have, but it does mean that you will have to make a potentially life-changing decision and that can…>
Acing the Online Application Form
If you are applying for a job at a Higher Education Institution or research body, you will almost certainly have to complete a lengthy online application form. This is the case even for internal applications. Often you will be asked to attach your CV as well. Most employers use the…>
The Importance of Maintaining Your Social Media Profile
Like it or not, social media is here to stay and there are many benefits when it comes to looking for a new role – some advertisements are promoted only through social media and, of course, networking and making your CV visible has never been easier. But, it is also…>
Preparing for Telephone Interviews
Telephone interviews are often an early part of the recruitment process to screen candidates. They usually last 15 – 30 minutes and are conducted by a recruiter or an employer. The way you prepare for telephone interviews should be taken just as seriously as if you were preparing for a…>
How to Make a Good Impression in an Interview
Making a good impression during an interview can lead to the next step in your career. But how can you do this? Preparation before interview is essential. The practical steps below are aimed at those of you who have little or no interview experience to individuals who regularly market themselves…>
How to Approach the Academic Job Market to Teach English Abroad
“So you are a native speaker of English and you have a PhD. You should be able to teach English, right?” Wrong. This is a common misconception held by aspiring language teaching academics looking to change their career paths and those outside of the profession alike. The academic teaching English…>
Diversifying Your Skills Post-PhD for Employment
Skills we acquire throughout the doctoral process are forgotten as we reach the final thesis completion and viva stages. Instead, there is a preoccupation with perfecting the ‘end product.’